
Pembangunan Wakaf

Pembangunan Ummah


Pembangunan Wakaf

Pembangunan Ummah

Waqf An-Nur Syariah Statement

In the effort to enhance the governance of Waqaf An-Nur, the process of improving the nurturing of waqf assets and distributing benefits to the community based on Maqasid Syariah continues to be a primary agenda. In carrying out operations and activities, Waqaf An-Nur has adhered to the concept of Maqasid Syariah, namely Dharuriyyat, Hajiyyat, and Tahsiniyyat, which includes five (5) elements of protection, namely:







To continue the implementation process through the Syariah Governance of Waqaf An-Nur (TUs-WAN) approved by the Board of Directors in March 2023, the Mapping of Syariah Maqasid becomes a continuation for prioritizing assessments in line with the 2 main pillars of Waqaf An-Nur.

The implementation of this Maqasid Syariah will be carried out through efforts that are monitored directly by the Shariah Expert Committee, adhering to all the stipulations set by MAIJ.

The management of Waqaf An-Nur will continue to ensure the implementation of existing and upcoming plans according to the Department of Shariah & Da'wah. The implementation of this Maqasid Shariah will be through work monitored directly by the Shariah Expert Committee, adhering to all provisions set by the Johor State Islamic Religious Council (MAIJ). This includes ensuring that all existing policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as well as any new initiatives, are updated in line with Shariah Policy (TUs-WAN) in the future.

The management will ensure that this Sharia compliance is implemented in the process of developing waqf assets, which includes Stock Portfolio, Real Estate, Ar-Rahnu & Gold, as well as Waqf and Investment Initiatives. The results will be translated through community development programs and the distribution of benefits that cover aspects of Spirituality & Religion, Socioeconomics, Concerns, as well as Society & Welfare.

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. This information is provided by Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad and we strive to ensure that such information is always up to date and accurate.

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. This information is provided by Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad and we strive to ensure that such information is always up to date and accurate.