
Pembangunan Wakaf

Pembangunan Ummah


Pembangunan Wakaf

Pembangunan Ummah

Hibah Lil Waqaf (gifts for the purpose of waqf) A program that started in October 2019 and has received approval from the Johor State Islamic Religious Council allows participants of Hibah Lil Waqaf the opportunity to grant their assets, which can be carried out while they are still alive or after their death, with the ultimate aim that the assets will be endowed.

The net hibah (after deducting the costs involved) received by Waqaf An-Nur will be endowed by purchasing Sharia-compliant shares on behalf of the grantor.

During Life

For the implementation of Hibah lil Waqaf during alive, the public can donate their assets such as cash, houses, office shops, or land to Waqaf An-Nur, and subsequently, Waqaf An-Nur will liquidate those assets (if they are not in cash form).

For the implementation of Hibah lil Waqaf during alive, the public can donate their assets such as cash, houses, office shops, or land to Waqaf An-Nur, and subsequently, Waqaf An-Nur will liquidate those assets (if they are not in cash form).

For the implementation of Hibah lil Waqaf during alive, the public can donate their assets such as cash, houses, office shops, or land to Waqaf An-Nur, and subsequently, Waqaf An-Nur will liquidate those assets (if they are not in cash form).

After Death

For the implementation of Hibah Lil Waqaf after death, Waqaf An-Nur has collaborated with Takaful Companies, Property Management Companies, Trusteeship Companies, and Unit Trust Companies. Public is encouraged to make waqf through the property they have via hibah or bequests that can be managed by the will management company and the trust company. Takaful holders can also assign (assignment) part of the takaful benefits to Waqaf An-Nur through the takaful company.

For the implementation of Hibah Lil Waqaf after death, Waqaf An-Nur has collaborated with Takaful Companies, Property Management Companies, Trusteeship Companies, and Unit Trust Companies. Public is encouraged to make waqf through the property they have via hibah or bequests that can be managed by the will management company and the trust company. Takaful holders can also assign (assignment) part of the takaful benefits to Waqaf An-Nur through the takaful company.

For the implementation of Hibah Lil Waqaf after death, Waqaf An-Nur has collaborated with Takaful Companies, Property Management Companies, Trusteeship Companies, and Unit Trust Companies. Public is encouraged to make waqf through the property they have via hibah or bequests that can be managed by the will management company and the trust company. Takaful holders can also assign (assignment) part of the takaful benefits to Waqaf An-Nur through the takaful company.

Takaful Company

Trustee Company

Property Management Company

Copyright © 2024 Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. This information is provided by Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad and we strive to ensure that the information is always current and accurate.

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. This information is provided by Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad and we strive to ensure that the information is always current and accurate.

Copyright © 2024 Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. This information is provided by Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad and we strive to ensure that the information is always current and accurate.

Copyright © 2024 Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. This information is provided by Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad and we strive to ensure that the information is always current and accurate.